redis 中 lua 环境解析
redis 中,lua 环境的初始化,是从 redis.c/initServer()
函数中,调用 scriptingInit()
关于 scriptingInit()
/* Initialize the scripting environment.
* It is possible to call this function to reset the scripting environment
* assuming that we call scriptingRelease() before.
* See scriptingReset() for more information. */
也就是说,这个函数是初始化lua环境的,当然,如果调用了 scriptingRelease()
在调用该函数,可以重置 lua 脚本环境。我们进入到函数中看一下代码。
void scriptingInit ( void ) {
lua_State * lua = lua_open ();
luaLoadLibraries ( lua );
luaRemoveUnsupportedFunctions ( lua );
/* Initialize a dictionary we use to map SHAs to scripts.
* This is useful for replication, as we need to replicate EVALSHA
* as EVAL, so we need to remember the associated script. */
server . lua_scripts = dictCreate ( & shaScriptObjectDictType , NULL );
/* Register the redis commands table and fields */
lua_newtable ( lua );
/* */
lua_pushstring ( lua , "call" );
lua_pushcfunction ( lua , luaRedisCallCommand );
lua_settable ( lua , - 3 );
/* redis.pcall */
lua_pushstring ( lua , "pcall" );
lua_pushcfunction ( lua , luaRedisPCallCommand );
lua_settable ( lua , - 3 );
/* redis.log and log levels. */
lua_pushstring ( lua , "log" );
lua_pushcfunction ( lua , luaLogCommand );
lua_settable ( lua , - 3 );
lua_pushstring ( lua , "LOG_DEBUG" );
lua_pushnumber ( lua , REDIS_DEBUG );
lua_settable ( lua , - 3 );
lua_pushstring ( lua , "LOG_VERBOSE" );
lua_pushnumber ( lua , REDIS_VERBOSE );
lua_settable ( lua , - 3 );
lua_pushstring ( lua , "LOG_NOTICE" );
lua_pushnumber ( lua , REDIS_NOTICE );
lua_settable ( lua , - 3 );
lua_pushstring ( lua , "LOG_WARNING" );
lua_pushnumber ( lua , REDIS_WARNING );
lua_settable ( lua , - 3 );
/* redis.sha1hex */
lua_pushstring ( lua , "sha1hex" );
lua_pushcfunction ( lua , luaRedisSha1hexCommand );
lua_settable ( lua , - 3 );
/* redis.error_reply and redis.status_reply */
lua_pushstring ( lua , "error_reply" );
lua_pushcfunction ( lua , luaRedisErrorReplyCommand );
lua_settable ( lua , - 3 );
lua_pushstring ( lua , "status_reply" );
lua_pushcfunction ( lua , luaRedisStatusReplyCommand );
lua_settable ( lua , - 3 );
/* Finally set the table as 'redis' global var. */
lua_setglobal ( lua , "redis" );
/* Replace math.random and math.randomseed with our implementations. */
lua_getglobal ( lua , "math" );
lua_pushstring ( lua , "random" );
lua_pushcfunction ( lua , redis_math_random );
lua_settable ( lua , - 3 );
lua_pushstring ( lua , "randomseed" );
lua_pushcfunction ( lua , redis_math_randomseed );
lua_settable ( lua , - 3 );
lua_setglobal ( lua , "math" );
/* Add a helper function that we use to sort the multi bulk output of non
* deterministic commands, when containing 'false' elements. */
char * compare_func = "function __redis__compare_helper(a,b) \n "
" if a == false then a = '' end \n "
" if b == false then b = '' end \n "
" return a<b \n "
"end \n " ;
luaL_loadbuffer ( lua , compare_func , strlen ( compare_func ), "@cmp_func_def" );
lua_pcall ( lua , 0 , 0 , 0 );
/* Add a helper function we use for pcall error reporting.
* Note that when the error is in the C function we want to report the
* information about the caller, that's what makes sense from the point
* of view of the user debugging a script. */
char * errh_func = "local dbg = debug \n "
"function __redis__err__handler(err) \n "
" local i = dbg.getinfo(2,'nSl') \n "
" if i and i.what == 'C' then \n "
" i = dbg.getinfo(3,'nSl') \n "
" end \n "
" if i then \n "
" return i.source .. ':' .. i.currentline .. ': ' .. err \n "
" else \n "
" return err \n "
" end \n "
"end \n " ;
luaL_loadbuffer ( lua , errh_func , strlen ( errh_func ), "@err_handler_def" );
lua_pcall ( lua , 0 , 0 , 0 );
/* Create the (non connected) client that we use to execute Redis commands
* inside the Lua interpreter.
* Note: there is no need to create it again when this function is called
* by scriptingReset(). */
if ( server . lua_client == NULL ) {
server . lua_client = createClient ( - 1 );
server . lua_client -> flags |= REDIS_LUA_CLIENT ;
/* Lua beginners often don't use "local", this is likely to introduce
* subtle bugs in their code. To prevent problems we protect accesses
* to global variables. */
scriptingEnableGlobalsProtection ( lua );
server . lua = lua ;
1、 lua_open() 函数,创建一个lua环境
2、 luaLoadLibraries(lua)
,在新创建的lua环境中载入相应的库,同时删除库中不需要的函数,防止从外部引入不安全的代码 luaRemoveUnsupportedFunctions(lua)
void luaLoadLibraries(lua_State *lua) {
luaLoadLib(lua, "", luaopen_base);
luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_TABLIBNAME, luaopen_table);
luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_STRLIBNAME, luaopen_string);
luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_MATHLIBNAME, luaopen_math);
luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_DBLIBNAME, luaopen_debug);
luaLoadLib(lua, "cjson", luaopen_cjson);
luaLoadLib(lua, "struct", luaopen_struct);
luaLoadLib(lua, "cmsgpack", luaopen_cmsgpack);
luaLoadLib(lua, "bit", luaopen_bit);
#if 0 /* Stuff that we don't load currently, for sandboxing concerns. */
luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_LOADLIBNAME, luaopen_package);
luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_OSLIBNAME, luaopen_os);
/* Remove a functions that we don't want to expose to the Redis scripting
* environment. */
void luaRemoveUnsupportedFunctions(lua_State *lua) {
lua_pushnil(lua); //将空值入栈,此时栈顶元素为空值
lua_setglobal(lua,"loadfile"); //出栈,取出栈顶元素,即空值,并将其作为 loadfile 的值,也就相当于取消了 loadfile 这个函数的作用,置空了
3、 lua_newtable(lua)
4、 将 c 中的luaRedisCallCommand 函数压入栈,作为表的函数;将 c 中的luaRedisPCallCommand 函数入栈,作为表的函数;将 c 中的luaLogCommand 函数入栈作为表的函数;将表复制为 redis,即创建 redis 全局 table。下面对其中一个注册函数进行解释
/* */
首先创建一个空表,入栈,此时栈顶元素为 table。然后将字符串 “call” 入栈,再将 c 函数 luaRedisCallCommand 函数入栈
意思是 t[k]=v,t 为索引-3,栈中,-3 位元素 table,-1 为 luaRedisCallCommand,-2 为字符串call,v 表示栈顶元素,k表示栈顶元素的下一个元素,索引上面这个函数的意思就是
就是将lua 中的call 函数注册为 c 中的 luaRedisCallCommand 函数,也可以记为
后面代码意思都雷同,都是注册 c 函数到 lua 中。
注意: lua_settable(lua_State *L, int index)
lua_setglobal(lua, "redis")
将表作为 redis的值,即创建的表为 redis 表,该表中包含以下函数: 函数和 redis.pcall 函数,用户执行 redis 命令
redis.log 记录日志,日志级别对应为 redid.LOG_DEBUG
redis.sha1hex,计算 SHA1 校验和
和 redis.status_reply
函数,返回 redis 错误信息
5、 用 c 中自制的随机函数替换 Lua 中原有的随机函数
6、 创建排序辅助函数, Lua 环境使用这个辅助函数来对一部分 redis 命令的结果进行排序,从而消除这些命令的不确定性。
function __redis__compare_helper ( a , b )
if a == false
a = ''
if b == false
b = ''
return a < b
7、 创建 redis.pcall 函数的错误报告辅助函数,这个函数可以提供更加详细发出错信息,比如能够在 c 函数的出错信息中提供调用者的信息
local dbg = debug ;
function __redis_err_handler ( err )
local i = dbg . getinfo ( 2 , 'sS1' )
if i and i . what = 'C'
i = dgb . getinfo ( 3 , 'nS1' )
if i
return i . source .. ':' .. i . currentLine .. ':' .. err
return err
8、 对 lua 环境中的全局环境进行保护,防止用户在执行 lua 脚本的过程中,将额外的全局变量添加到 Lua 环境中
9、 将完成修改的 lua 环境保存到服务器状态的 lua 属性中。
创建排序辅助函数 __redis__compare_helper
在 redis 中产生不同输出的命令称为“带有不确定性的命令”,比如:
来说,在两个值相同,但是顺序不同的集合中,使用 SMEMBERS 得到的结果是不同的,输出的值的顺序不同。这样的输出就是不确定性,因为它本身不会排序。而 lua 中创建的这个辅助排序函数,可以用来消除这种不确定性。当 lua 执行完一个带有不确定性的命令时,程序会使用 __redis__compare_helper
作为对比函数,自动调用 tables.sort 函数对命令进行一次排序,一次来保证相同的数据集总是产生相同的输出。
那,到底是什么一个代码流程呢,因为 和 redis.pcall 在初始化的时候,已经使用 c 中的函数进行了注册,所以当调用 或者 redis.pcall 的时候实际唤醒调用的是 c 函数 luaRedisCallCommand 或者 luaRedisPCallCommand
int luaRedisCallCommand(lua_State *lua) {
return luaRedisGenericCommand(lua,1);
int luaRedisPCallCommand(lua_State *lua) {
return luaRedisGenericCommand(lua,0);
这两个函数,都是调用的 luaRedisGenericCommand
函数,此时,在 luaGenericCommand
函数中,在满足条件的情况下,调用 luaSortArray
if ((cmd->flags & REDIS_CMD_SORT_FOR_SCRIPT) &&
(reply[0] == '*' && reply[1] != '-')) {
满足上面条件的时候,才调用 luaSortArray
/* Sort the array currently in the stack. We do this to make the output
* of commands like KEYS or SMEMBERS something deterministic when called
* from Lua (to play well with AOf/ replication ).
* The array is sorted using table . sort itself , and assuming all the
* list elements are strings . * /
void luaSortArray ( lua_State * lua ) {
/* Initial Stack: array */
lua_getglobal ( lua , "table" );
lua_pushstring ( lua , "sort" );
lua_gettable ( lua , - 2 ); /* Stack: array, table, table.sort */
lua_pushvalue ( lua , - 3 ); /* Stack: array, table, table.sort, array */
if ( lua_pcall ( lua , 1 , 0 , 0 )) {
/* Stack: array, table, error */
/* We are not interested in the error, we assume that the problem is
* that there are 'false' elements inside the array, so we try
* again with a slower function but able to handle this case, that
* is: table.sort(table, __redis__compare_helper) */
lua_pop ( lua , 1 ); /* Stack: array, table */
lua_pushstring ( lua , "sort" ); /* Stack: array, table, sort */
lua_gettable ( lua , - 2 ); /* Stack: array, table, table.sort */
lua_pushvalue ( lua , - 3 ); /* Stack: array, table, table.sort, array */
lua_getglobal ( lua , "__redis__compare_helper" ); // table . sort ( list [, compare ])
/* Stack: array, table, table.sort, array, __redis__compare_helper */
lua_call ( lua , 2 , 0 );
/* Stack: array (sorted), table */
lua_pop ( lua , 1 ); /* Stack: array (sorted) */
将 table.sort 中的 comp 参数作为 __redis_compare_helper
lua 环境协作组件
lua 服务器创建了两个用于与 lua 环境进行写作的组件,分别是负责执行 lua 脚本的 redis 命令的伪客户端和保存 lua 脚本的 lua_scripts
typedef struct Server {
/* Scripting */
lua_State *lua; /* The Lua interpreter. We use just one for all clients */
redisClient *lua_client; /* The "fake client" to query Redis from Lua */
redisClient *lua_caller; /* The client running EVAL right now, or NULL */
dict *lua_scripts; /* A dictionary of SHA1 -> Lua scripts */
mstime_t lua_time_limit; /* Script timeout in milliseconds */
mstime_t lua_time_start; /* Start time of script, milliseconds time */
int lua_write_dirty; /* True if a write command was called during the
execution of the current script. */
int lua_random_dirty; /* True if a random command was called during the
execution of the current script. */
int lua_timedout; /* True if we reached the time limit for script
execution. */
int lua_kill; /* Kill the script if true. */
redis 命令执行必须有相应的客户端状态,redis服务器专门为 lua 环境创建了一个伪客户端,server 中的 lua_client 成员就是 lua 的伪客户端,当初始化 lua 环境时,对伪客户端初始化如下(scriptingInit()):
/* Create the (non connected) client that we use to execute Redis commands
* inside the Lua interpreter.
* Note: there is no need to create it again when this function is called
* by scriptingReset(). */
if (server.lua_client == NULL) {
server.lua_client = createClient(-1);
server.lua_client->flags |= REDIS_LUA_CLIENT;
Lua 脚本使用 或者 redis.pcall 执行 redis 命令的时候,步骤如下:
Lua 环境将 或者 redis.pcall 想要执行的命令传给伪客户端
伪客户端将脚本想要执行的命令传给命令执行器 (call)
伪客户端接收到结果并将结果返回给 lua 环境
lua 环境接收到结果之后,有将结果返回给 或者 redis.pcall 函数
接收到结果的 或者 redis.pcall 函数,将命令结果作为函数返回值返回给脚本中的调用者。
以上步骤摘自 《Redis 设计与实现》 黄健宏著,机械工业出版社,20.1.1节 伪客户端
./redis-cli -h ${IP} -p ${PORT} -a ${PASSWORD} --eval <lua script>
lua_scripts 字典
另一个lua环境协作组件是 lua_scripts
字典。这个字典的值,是 lua 对应的脚本,键是 lua 脚本的 SHA1 校验和。这个可以在 scripting.c/luaCreateFunction()
int retval = dictAdd(server.lua_scripts,
sdsnewlen(funcname+2,40),body); //dict, key is sha1, value is script
redisAssertWithInfo(c,NULL,retval == DICT_OK);
funcname 就是 lua 脚本的SHA1校验和,body 就是 lua 对应的脚本
EVAL 命令的实现
当客户端向服务器发送 EVAL 命令执行一段 lua 脚本的时候,服务器首先在 lua 环境中,为传入的脚本定义一个 lua 函数,函数名由 f_ 前缀加上脚本的 SHA1 校验和,而函数体即为脚本本身。
void evalGenericCommand ( redisClient * c , int evalsha ) {
lua_State * lua = server . lua ;
char funcname [ 43 ];
long long numkeys ;
int delhook = 0 , err ;
/* We want the same PRNG sequence at every call so that our PRNG is
* not affected by external state. */
redisSrand48 ( 0 );
/* We set this flag to zero to remember that so far no random command
* was called. This way we can allow the user to call commands like
* SRANDMEMBER or RANDOMKEY from Lua scripts as far as no write command
* is called (otherwise the replication and AOF would end with non
* deterministic sequences).
* Thanks to this flag we'll raise an error every time a write command
* is called after a random command was used. */
server . lua_random_dirty = 0 ;
server . lua_write_dirty = 0 ;
/* Get the number of arguments that are keys */
if ( getLongLongFromObjectOrReply ( c , c -> argv [ 2 ], & numkeys , NULL ) != REDIS_OK )
return ;
if ( numkeys > ( c -> argc - 3 )) {
addReplyError ( c , "Number of keys can't be greater than number of args" );
return ;
} else if ( numkeys < 0 ) {
addReplyError ( c , "Number of keys can't be negative" );
return ;
/* We obtain the script SHA1, then check if this function is already
* defined into the Lua state */
funcname [ 0 ] = 'f' ;
funcname [ 1 ] = '_' ;
if ( ! evalsha ) {
/* Hash the code if this is an EVAL call */
sha1hex ( funcname + 2 , c -> argv [ 1 ] -> ptr , sdslen ( c -> argv [ 1 ] -> ptr ));
} else {
/* We already have the SHA if it is a EVALSHA */
int j ;
char * sha = c -> argv [ 1 ] -> ptr ;
/* Convert to lowercase. We don't use tolower since the function
* managed to always show up in the profiler output consuming
* a non trivial amount of time. */
for ( j = 0 ; j < 40 ; j ++ )
funcname [ j + 2 ] = ( sha [ j ] >= 'A' && sha [ j ] <= 'Z' ) ?
sha [ j ] + ( 'a' - 'A' ) : sha [ j ];
funcname [ 42 ] = '\0' ;
/* Push the pcall error handler function on the stack. */
lua_getglobal ( lua , "__redis__err__handler" );
/* Try to lookup the Lua function */
lua_getglobal ( lua , funcname );
if ( lua_isnil ( lua , - 1 )) {
lua_pop ( lua , 1 ); /* remove the nil from the stack */
/* Function not defined... let's define it if we have the
* body of the function. If this is an EVALSHA call we can just
* return an error. */
if ( evalsha ) {
lua_pop ( lua , 1 ); /* remove the error handler from the stack. */
addReply ( c , shared . noscripterr );
return ;
if ( luaCreateFunction ( c , lua , funcname , c -> argv [ 1 ]) == REDIS_ERR ) {
lua_pop ( lua , 1 ); /* remove the error handler from the stack. */
/* The error is sent to the client by luaCreateFunction()
* itself when it returns REDIS_ERR. */
return ;
/* Now the following is guaranteed to return non nil */
lua_getglobal ( lua , funcname );
redisAssert ( ! lua_isnil ( lua , - 1 ));
首先解析参数,可以查看 EVAL 命令的语法
EVAL script numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...]
在 lua 环境创建对应的 lua 函数,保存在变量 funcname 中,
funcname[0] = 'f';
funcname[1] = '_';
表示函数名以 f_ 作为前缀,使用 shahex1() 函数获取脚本的 SHA1 校验和,保存在 funcname 中,此时的 funcname 将作为 lua 环境中脚本对应的函数名。使用 luaCreateFunction
函数在 lua 环境中创建该脚本的 lua 函数,同时将脚本即 lua 环境中对应的函数名加入到 lua_scripts
/* Define a lua function with the specified function name and body.
* The function name musts be a 2 characters long string, since all the
* functions we defined in the Lua context are in the form:
* f_<hex sha1 sum>
* On success REDIS_OK is returned, and nothing is left on the Lua stack.
* On error REDIS_ERR is returned and an appropriate error is set in the
* client context. */
int luaCreateFunction ( redisClient * c , lua_State * lua , char * funcname , robj * body ) {
sds funcdef = sdsempty ();
funcdef = sdscat ( funcdef , "function " ); // create lua function
funcdef = sdscatlen ( funcdef , funcname , 42 );
funcdef = sdscatlen ( funcdef , "() " , 3 );
funcdef = sdscatlen ( funcdef , body -> ptr , sdslen ( body -> ptr ));
funcdef = sdscatlen ( funcdef , " \n end" , 4 );
if ( luaL_loadbuffer ( lua , funcdef , sdslen ( funcdef ), "@user_script" )) {
addReplyErrorFormat ( c , "Error compiling script (new function): %s \n " ,
lua_tostring ( lua , - 1 ));
lua_pop ( lua , 1 );
sdsfree ( funcdef );
return REDIS_ERR ;
sdsfree ( funcdef );
if ( lua_pcall ( lua , 0 , 0 , 0 )) { //exe cute lua function
addReplyErrorFormat ( c , "Error running script (new function): %s \n " ,
lua_tostring ( lua , - 1 ));
lua_pop ( lua , 1 );
return REDIS_ERR ;
/* We also save a SHA1 -> Original script map in a dictionary
* so that we can replicate / write in the AOF all the
* EVALSHA commands as EVAL using the original script . * /
int retval = dictAdd ( server . lua_scripts ,
sdsnewlen ( funcname + 2 , 40 ), body ); // dict , key is sha1 , value is script
redisAssertWithInfo ( c , NULL , retval == DICT_OK );
incrRefCount ( body );
return REDIS_OK ;
a、 将EVAL命令中传入的参数和脚本参数分为保存在 KEYS 和 ARGV 数组中,并作为全局变量保存在 lua 环境中
/* Populate the argv and keys table accordingly to the arguments that
* EVAL received. */
luaSetGlobalArray(lua,"KEYS",c->argv+3,numkeys); // KEYS[1]=XX, KEYS[2]=XX
b、 为 lua 环境装载超时吃力钩子,当脚本运行时间超时时,客户端通过 SCRIPT KILL 命令可以停止脚本,也可以通过 SHUTDOWN 命令停止服务器。
c、 执行脚本
d、 移除钩子
e、 将执行脚本函数得到的结果保存到客户端状态的输出缓冲去,等待服务器将结果返回给客户端
if (err) {
addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Error running script (call to %s): %s\n",
funcname, lua_tostring(lua,-1));
lua_pop(lua,2); /* Consume the Lua reply and remove error handler. */
} else {
/* On success convert the Lua return value into Redis protocol, and
* send it to * the client. */
luaReplyToRedisReply(c,lua); /* Convert and consume the reply. */
lua_pop(lua,1); /* Remove the error handler. */
每一个被 EVAL 命令执行过的脚本,在 lua 环境中都会有一个与脚本对应的 lua 函数,函数的名字由 f_ 前缀和脚本的 SHA1 校验和组成。主要这个函数在 lua 环境中定义了,就会在 lua_scripts
中保存,那么使用 EVALSHA 命令,即使不知道脚本本身,也可以直接使用脚本的校验和来调用脚本对应的 lua 环境中的函数,这就是 EVALSHA 实现的原理
SCRIPT FLUSH ,用于清楚服务器中和 Lua 脚本有关的信息,这个命令会释放并重建 lua_scripts
字典,关闭现有的 lua 环境并重新创建一个新的 lua 环境
SCRIPT EXISTS ,根据输入的 SHA1 校验和,检查校验和对应的脚本是否存在于服务器中。(注意:该命令允许一次传入多个 SHA1 校验和)
SCRIPT LOAD ,首先在 lua 环境中为脚本创建对应的 lua 函数,然后将脚本和 SHA1 校验和保存在 lua_scripts
SCRIPT KILL ,当服务器设置了参数 lua-time-limit
时,每次在执行 lua 脚本之前,都会设置一个超时钩子,脚本运行时,一旦钩子发现脚本运行时间已经超时,钩子将定期检查是否有 SCRIPT KILL 或者 SHUTDOWN 命令到达。如果超时脚本未执行任何写操作,客户端可以通过 SCRIPT KILL 命令停止脚本,并向执行脚本的客户端返回一个错误信息。处理完之后,服务器将继续执行。如果脚本已经执行过写操作,那么客户端只能通过 SHUTDOWN 命令停止服务器,防止不合法的数据写入服务器中。
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* SCRIPT command for script environment introspection and control
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void scriptCommand ( redisClient * c ) {
if ( c -> argc == 2 && ! strcasecmp ( c -> argv [ 1 ] -> ptr , "flush" )) {
scriptingReset ();
addReply ( c , shared . ok );
replicationScriptCacheFlush ();
server . dirty ++ ; /* Propagating this command is a good idea. */
} else if ( c -> argc >= 2 && ! strcasecmp ( c -> argv [ 1 ] -> ptr , "exists" )) {
int j ;
addReplyMultiBulkLen ( c , c -> argc - 2 );
for ( j = 2 ; j < c -> argc ; j ++ ) {
if ( dictFind ( server . lua_scripts , c -> argv [ j ] -> ptr ))
addReply ( c , shared . cone );
addReply ( c , shared . czero );
} else if ( c -> argc == 3 && ! strcasecmp ( c -> argv [ 1 ] -> ptr , "load" )) {
char funcname [ 43 ];
sds sha ;
funcname [ 0 ] = 'f' ;
funcname [ 1 ] = '_' ;
sha1hex ( funcname + 2 , c -> argv [ 2 ] -> ptr , sdslen ( c -> argv [ 2 ] -> ptr ));
sha = sdsnewlen ( funcname + 2 , 40 );
if ( dictFind ( server . lua_scripts , sha ) == NULL ) {
if ( luaCreateFunction ( c , server . lua , funcname , c -> argv [ 2 ])
== REDIS_ERR ) {
sdsfree ( sha );
return ;
addReplyBulkCBuffer ( c , funcname + 2 , 40 );
sdsfree ( sha );
forceCommandPropagation ( c , REDIS_PROPAGATE_REPL | REDIS_PROPAGATE_AOF );
} else if ( c -> argc == 2 && ! strcasecmp ( c -> argv [ 1 ] -> ptr , "kill" )) {
if ( server . lua_caller == NULL ) {
addReplySds ( c , sdsnew ( "-NOTBUSY No scripts in execution right now. \r\n " ));
} else if ( server . lua_write_dirty ) {
addReplySds ( c , sdsnew ( "-UNKILLABLE Sorry the script already executed write commands against the dataset. You can either wait the script termination or kill the server in a hard way using the SHUTDOWN NOSAVE command. \r\n " ));
} else {
server . lua_kill = 1 ;
addReply ( c , shared . ok );
} else {
addReplyError ( c , "Unknown SCRIPT subcommand or wrong # of args." );
Redis 设计与实现,黄健宏著,机械工业出版社
redis 3.0.7 版本的源代码
lua manual 5.2